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Learner Complaints Policy and Procedure

At Multiverse, we are committed to delivering high-quality services to learners, clients, and all stakeholders. We take all complaints seriously and aim to handle them in a fair, transparent, and timely manner. This policy outlines the process for submitting and resolving complaints across all teams.

Multiverse will take extra care ensuring any information identifying complainants is kept secure and confidential, processing information in accordance with our Data Protection, Copyright and Confidentiality Policy.

This policy outlines how Multiverse apprentices can make complaints and the steps Multiverse will take to address complaints. This policy must be read in conjunction with other relevant Multiverse Policies.

1. Guiding Principals

1.1 This policy has been developed in line with the QAA’s Quality Code Advice and Guidance on Concerns, Complaints and Appeals and the Office of Independent Adjudicator’s (OIA) Good Practice Framework. As such, the principles underpinning this policy are:

  1. Accessibility: Procedures in relation to complaints are straightforward, clear, inclusive, and reviewed regularly;
  2. Proportionality: Measures taken and responses to complaints are suitable to the situation;
  3. Impartiality: There shall be no conflicts of interest in the determination of complaints;
  4. Confidentiality: Confidentiality is appropriately assured in handling of complaints;
  5. Prompt Resolution: The processes allow for cases to be resolved as early as possible;
  6. Continuous Improvement: Complaints are used to enhance the learner experience.

2. Scope of the Policy

2.1 This policy applies to complaints related to:

  1. Education Services: This includes teaching, coaching, tutoring, course content, feedback on progress, and overall learner support throughout learning programs.
  2. Staff Behaviour and Conduct: Any complaints related to the inappropriate actions or behaviour of Multiverse staff or other learners.
  3. Service Provision: Complaints related to the delivery (or lack thereof) of support services provided by Multiverse, such as enrolment processes, fee administration, learner resources, health and safety, and other related services.
  4. Misleading or Inaccurate Information: Concerns arising from inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information provided by Multiverse.

2. Scope of the Policy

2.1 This policy applies to complaints related to:

  1. Education Services: This includes teaching, coaching, tutoring, course content, feedback on progress, and overall learner support throughout learning programs.
  2. Staff Behaviour and Conduct: Any complaints related to the inappropriate actions or behaviour of Multiverse staff or other learners.
  3. Service Provision: Complaints related to the delivery (or lack thereof) of support services provided by Multiverse, such as enrolment processes, fee administration, learner resources, health and safety, and other related services.
  4. Misleading or Inaccurate Information: Concerns arising from inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information provided by Multiverse.

2.2 Exclusions: The following issues are outside the scope of this policy and are handled under separate processes:

  1. Admissions Decisions: Appeals regarding admissions decisions will be addressed via the Admissions Policy. Complaints regarding an employer’s decision not to interview should be raised directly with the employer.
  2. Apprenticeship Assessment and Performance Outcomes: Any appeals or concerns about examination results, progress assessments, or overall performance evaluations are governed by the external End Point Assessment Organisation for most programmes, or the Assessment Policy for any Advanced Programme which results in a higher education qualification.

Disciplinary Actions: Matters related to learner misconduct or disciplinary proceedings will be addressed under the Learner Code of Conduct.

3. Making a Complaint

3.1 Multiverse aims to handle all complaints in a manner that ensures fairness, confidentiality, and timely resolution. To ensure efficient processing, all complaints must adhere to the following guidelines:

3.2 Complaint Submission Timeline

3.2.1 All complaints must be submitted within 90 calendar days of the event or action that gave rise to the complaint. Complaints submitted after this period may not be considered unless exceptional circumstances are demonstrated.

3.3 Informal Complaints Procedure

  1. Multiverse aims to resolve most of the complaints by carrying out a discussion between the complainant and the appropriate member of staff.
  2. The initial complaint may be made via on-programme surveys, orally or in writing via the Multiverse Support Hub. The member of staff receiving the complaint should make a response within 24 hours, orally or in writing.
  3. It is expected that staff are tactful and courteous in dealing with a complaint.
  4. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the response received, they should then be guided to using the formal procedure which can only be dealt with in writing.

3.4 How to Submit a Formal Complaint

3.4.1 All formal complaints must be submitted through the Multiverse Support Hub. The complainant should provide the following information in writing:

  1. Their programme and cohort
  2. A clear description of the issue or event being complained about.
  3. The previous informal complaint resolution, including the name of the Multiverse member of staff raised to
  4. The date(s) and location(s) of the event(s) (where applicable).
  5. How the issue has impacted the complainant or others involved.
  6. Any relevant supporting documentation or evidence (e.g., emails, documents, or witness statements).
  7. The outcome or resolution the complainant seeks.

3.4.2 Anonymous complaints will not be accepted under this policy.

4. Written Complaint Handling Process

4.1 The following steps will be followed once a formal complaint has been received:

4.2 Acknowledgment

4.2.1 The complaint will be acknowledged by the Support Team within 24 hours of submission. The acknowledgment will confirm that the complaint has been received and outline the next steps in the investigation process.

4.3  Initial Assessment

4.3.1 Upon receiving a complaint, the Support Team will conduct an initial assessment to determine if the complaint falls within the scope of this policy.

  1. If the complaint falls outside the policy’s scope (e.g., it relates to an admissions decision), the complainant will be informed and referred to the appropriate policy or process.
  2. If the complaint is within the eligible scope, it will proceed to the investigation phase.

4.4 Informal complaint investigation

4.4.1. Informal complaints can be made through on-programme surveys, orally, or in writing via the Multiverse Support Hub.

4.4.2 The staff member receiving the complaint will respond within 24 hours, either orally or in writing.

4.4.3 The aim is to resolve the issue through direct discussion or clarification. If further information is needed, the staff member may take additional steps to gather it.

4.4.5 If the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution, they will be guided to follow the formal complaint procedure, which must be submitted in writing.

4.5 Formal complaint investigation

4.5.1 A designated member of the Support Team will lead the investigation. This person will be impartial and will not have been involved in the matter being investigated.

  1. The investigation may involve gathering additional information or documentation, interviewing the complainant, relevant staff members, and any witnesses.
  2. The investigator will review all the facts and ensure a fair and objective process. If further information is required from the complainant, they will be contacted promptly.
  3. Investigations will aim to be completed within 20 working days of the acknowledgment of the complaint.

4.5.2 If the learner indicates they require additional support, information will be shared with the Learner Enablement team who will provide the learner with appropriate assistance with the complaint process.

4.5.3 The learner can also request someone attend any meetings (if applicable) with them - this person is for support, as a witness, and to listen and should not speak for the learner.

4.6 Resolution

4.6.1 Once the investigation is complete, the Support Team will review the findings and determine an appropriate resolution. Resolutions may include:

  1. An apology and steps to correct any issues that arose from the complaint.
  2. A change or improvement in a process, service, or communication.
  3. Other remedies deemed appropriate to address the complaint.

4.6.2 The complainant will receive a written response outlining:

  1. The investigation's findings.
  2. The steps taken to resolve the issue.
  3. Any actions Multiverse will implement to prevent recurrence (if applicable).

4.6.3 The final resolution will be delivered within 20 working days of the complaint’s initial submission, where possible. If additional time is required (e.g., due to the complexity of the complaint), the complainant will be informed and given a revised timeline for resolution.

4.7 Finality of Decision

4.7.1 For learners on programmes at level 4 and above:

  1. If, having exhausted all the above procedures, the learner on a level 4 or above programme is still dissatisfied with the outcome, they may be eligible for a review of the matter with the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA).
  2. The learner(s) will be informed of this option at the point the formal complaint is resolved.

4.7.2 For learners on programmes at level 3 and below:

  1. If, having exhausted all the above procedures, the learner on a level 3 or below programme is still dissatisfied with the outcome, they may be eligible for a review of the matter by the Multiverse Governance Team.
  2. The learner(s) will be informed of this option at the point the formal complaint is resolved.
  3. This review stage will only be taken forward if there is a clear explanation of how the outcome of the formal complaint was not followed compliantly. If the learner is simply dissatisfied with the outcome without any supporting information on how it is not compliant, this final stage will not be undertaken, and the initial formal complaint decision will be considered final.

5. Confidentiality and Data Protection

5.1 Multiverse is committed to ensuring that all complaints are handled in a confidential and secure manner:

  1. All personal and sensitive information provided in the course of the complaint investigation will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  2. Information related to the complaint will only be shared with individuals directly involved in the investigation and resolution process.
  3. No information will be disclosed to third parties (including employers) without the complainant’s written consent, except where required by law.

6. Record-Keeping and Reporting

6.1 Multiverse will maintain a secure record of all complaints received for a period of 3 years. These records will include:

  1. The nature of the complaint.
  2. The investigation and findings.
  3. The resolution provided.

6.2 Records will be reviewed periodically to identify trends or recurring issues, which will inform improvements to Multiverse’s services and processes.

6.3 Reports on complaints and resolutions will be used to support internal performance reviews and continuous improvement efforts.

7. Monitoring, Review and Continuous Improvement

7.1 Multiverse is committed to regularly reviewing and improving its complaints handling process. To ensure the policy remains effective and relevant, the Complaints Policy and Practice will be reviewed every 12 months.

7.2 Should any changes to the Complaints Procedure be required following the review, they will be communicated to all affected staff members, learners, external contacts, and service users to ensure awareness and compliance.

Version control

  1. Written (name, role, date): Doniya Soni, Advanced Programme Lead, August 2022
  2. Version number:
    1. V2: Updates:
      1. 5.3. - Added "or cannot raise their complaint with the coach for any reason”
    2. V3:
      1. Changed to be for all programmes (not just L4 and above)
      2. Completely reworded to make clearer and more accessible without change to content.
  3. Last updated (name, role, date): Karine Frame, Senior Quality Lead, Jay Hurdy, Support Manager. Claire Tyrie, Privacy & Data Protection Executive; October 2024
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