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How to use prompt engineering to create your 3 Whys

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  1. The Prompts:
  2. Guidance for Implementation

In today’s rapidly evolving AI landscape, the role of prompt engineering in the sales process has become increasingly vital. Account Executives (AEs) are tasked with navigating complex client ecosystems, identifying critical challenges, and aligning tailored solutions that drive strategic success.

This blog will walk you through a curated set of prompts designed to help AEs gather essential insights, align offerings, and ultimately create compelling sales narratives that resonate with clients - also known as the 3 Whys. From understanding the business landscape to crafting the perfect pitch, these prompts are your roadmap to successful client engagement and will help you get on the road to becoming AI native.

The Prompts:

Prompt 1a: Company Landscape, Mission and Objectives

"Please provide a summary of the key industry themes and landscape that [PROSPECTIVE COMPANY] operates in. Particularly share the trends and phrases used in industry press to describe the obstacles and opportunities broadly in the [YOUR COMPANY’S INDUSTRY}.

Prompt 1b:

“Capture the company's mission statement or vision. Then, create a table that outlines the key business objectives for [Business URL]. Ensure that the table highlights why these objectives are critical for the company’s success and how they align with its long-term vision, stakeholder/shareholder and customer value. Include references to [YOUR COMPANY’S USP]."

  • Purpose: Helps AEs understand the business landscape/context, strategic vision and goals of the client, providing a link for identifying relevant challenges [YOUR COMPANY] may solve for.

Prompt 2: Identifying Key Challenges and Root Causes

"Based on the company’s strategic goals outlined in the attached document/above, identify three major challenges for each that could prevent [Business URL] from achieving these objectives. For each challenge, detail the underlying root causes, including organisational, technical, or market-related factors. Ensure you consider potential risks associated with these challenges."

  • Purpose: Guides AEs to focus on specific challenges that hinder the company’s strategic goals, helping to uncover deeper issues and precipitating thinking around use cases and skill/knowledge/behaviour gaps [YOUR COMPANY] may solve for.

Prompt 3: Aligning [YOUR COMPANY] Capabilities

"For each of the key challenges identified in the previous prompt, suggest how [YOUR COMPANY]’s solutions can help address these challenges. Provide examples from the attached [PROOF POINTS/CASE STUDIES] document of how similar solutions have been implemented or could be implemented. Highlight the potential impact on the company’s strategic objectives and start to align these to commercial impact around Revenue, Cost/Risk mitigation or Cost avoidance."

  • Purpose: Enables AEs to directly align [YOUR COMPANY]’s offerings with the client's needs, demonstrating how these solutions can resolve key challenges that impact top/bottom line.

Prompt 4: Risk Analysis and Metrics

"Create a detailed risk analysis for each of the challenges identified, considering both the risks of not addressing the challenges and the potential pitfalls of proposed solutions. Include metrics that could be used to track the success of these solutions. Refer to the attached document for any relevant examples or insights."

  • Purpose: Encourages AEs to think critically about the risks and metrics associated with proposed solutions, ensuring they can articulate the value and mitigate concerns.

Prompt 5: Structuring the 3 Whys Narrative

"Using the information gathered from the previous prompts, structure a concise '3 Whys' narrative that could be presented to stakeholders. This should include:

  1. Why Anything? - Explain the importance of addressing the identified challenges.
  2. Why Now? - Urge the need for immediate action, supported by data and trends.
  3. Why [YOUR COMPANY]? - Highlight why [YOUR COMPANY] is uniquely positioned to solve these challenges and the expected business impact."
  • Purpose: Helps AEs create a compelling narrative that resonates with the client’s executives, ensuring that the solution is seen as timely and necessary.

Guidance for Implementation

These prompts should be used iteratively throughout the sales process, starting from the discovery phase and building up to the final proposal and presentation. By following this structured approach, account executives can effectively uncover the root causes of buyer problems, align [YOUR COMPANY]’s offerings with client needs, and present a compelling case that drives decision-making.

Tip: Encourage AEs to tailor the language and examples in the prompts to the specific client industry and context, leveraging data and insights from the attached document to add credibility and relevance to their proposals.

By leveraging the prompts outlined in this guide, AEs can ensure they are addressing the core challenges their clients face, aligning solutions that offer tangible value, and constructing persuasive narratives that drive decision-making. Remember, the key to successful prompt engineering lies in its iterative application throughout the sales process. Tailor your language and examples to the client's specific industry context to maximize relevance and impact.

Master these prompts to streamline your sales process, increase efficiency, and transform every client conversation into a strategic advantage – happy selling!

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