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Learner code of conduct


  1. This comprehensive code of conduct is designed to support learners in bringing the best version of themselves to their Multiverse journey. It outlines expected behaviours while learners are enrolled on programme, during sessions, at Multiverse events, whilst representing Multiverse and online using Multiverse platforms.
  2. The learner community is dynamic; constantly growing and evolving with new learners from many diverse backgrounds. It is important that everyone feels welcome and included, and that is the responsibility of learners as well as the Multiverse team.
  3. As an accredited training provider and assessment centre, Multiverse has a duty to outline expectations clearly and to identify when misconduct or malpractice occur, and to implement suitable procedures to address these.
  4. Multiverse fully complies with the regulations set out by awarding organisations and regulatory organisations such as the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), Ofqual, Ofsted, Office for Students, and the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE).
  5. This policy serves to:
    1. Establish learner expectations
    2. Maintain a safe environment for all learners
    3. Create an inclusive and welcoming community
    4. Define attendance requirements
    5. Define misconduct types
    6. Establish clear guidelines for misconduct and disciplinary procedures

Guiding principles

Our code of conduct is aligned with the Multiverse values:

  1. We believe in equality of opportunity: We are guided by fairness and embrace the diverse group of future leaders on Multiverse programmes.
    1. What does this mean in practice? Follow the guidelines set out in all spaces, weather community, platform, sessions or assessments - to ensure a fair and equitable experience for all Multiverse learners.
  2. We treat others as we want to be treated: We treat those around us with respect and kindness. We never assume bad intent and judge people based on their actions, not on assumptions about their motivation. We act with integrity and think about the impact our actions have on others and strive to be the best version of ourselves.
    1. What does this mean in practice? Being respectful and kind to coaches, employers, Multiverse team, and other learners.

  1. Development is at our core: We are direct but kind in our feedback and provide it regularly because we want to help people grow and reach their full potential. We believe skills are developed and built and see setbacks as opportunities to adapt and grow. No one should be the same person they were 3 months ago.
    1. What does this mean in practice? Being open to feedback and celebrating others' successes. Maintaining Off-The-Job training commitments and high standards.
  2. We adopt an owner mentality: We take responsibility for what happens around us and we do the right thing, not the easy thing. We work with great care and skill, sometimes at an uncomfortable speed, energising those around us by the standards we hold.
    1. What does this mean in practice? Questioning what we observe when it doesn't benefit the wider community, reporting through appropriate means where necessary. Setting high standards when completing assignments, at work, or representing Multiverse.
  3. We make decisions based in fact and logic: We understand the fundamentals and facts first, and build our approach from there. We are guided by integrity in the decisions that we make and are solutions oriented. We will not be constrained by what has been done before or tradeoffs we don’t need to make.
    1. What does this mean in practice? Adopt this approach in assessments and with peers, using facts, logic, and integrity to build your projects. Understand that this is the approach Multiverse staff take too when assessing you and your peers - whether your conduct or in assignments.
  4. We don’t take ourselves too seriously: Multiverse’s provision and your programme is serious, and so is our approach to the work we do. But everyone deserves to work in an environment where they can have some fun, share some laughter, and feel unafraid to be themselves.
    1. What does this mean in practice? Focusing on the journey as well as the destination - Going above and embracing the Multiverse community by making new members feel welcome at events and engaging with peers and staff in Multiverse sessions.

Associated Policies and Procedures

  1. Academic Regulations (Advanced Programmes only)
  2. Assessment Policy (Advanced Programmes only)
    1. Academic Integrity and Misconduct
    2. Academic Appeals
  3. Learner Complaints Policy
  4. Platform User Guidelines


  1. This policy applies to all Multiverse learners. This policy does not replace or supersede expectations placed on learners as part of their employment contract.
  2. The policy covers conduct during:
    1. Programme sessions and training
    2. Assessment and examination processes
    3. Multiverse events
    4. Online platform usage
    5. Any representation of Multiverse


  1. Multiverse Responsibilities
    1. Staff must follow the staff code of conduct
    2. Identify apprentices at risk of dropping out, and implement support
    3. Work closely with apprentices and employers to ensure apprentices are supported in their programme
    4. Provide guidance on good assessment practices
    5. Flag concerns to the awarding body and/or employer as appropriate
  2. Learner Responsibilities
    1. Maintain their Off-The-Job training commitment
    2. Make every reasonable effort to attend scheduled sessions on time when fit to do so
    3. Advise their coach/lead tutor if unable to attend as early as possible
    4. Advise their coach/lead tutor about annual leave when it is booked
    5. Bring their full attention to all sessions
    6. Be courteous of coach and fellow learners
    7. Show a positive commitment to their learning journeys
    8. Interact positively with fellow learners on the Multiverse platform
    9. Conduct themselves appropriately when wearing Multiverse branded materials
    10. Be conscious of social media posts that may reflect on Multiverse
    11. Follow all assessment and examination procedures
    12. Maintain integrity in all academic work
  3. Professional Relationship Guidelines
    1. Coach
      1. Coaches deliver learning, monitor progress, and provide professional and pastoral support.
      2. They ensure employers maintain healthy, safe work environments and expect commitment and professionalism from learners.
    2. Other Multiverse Team Members
      1. Professional relationships should be maintained at all times
      2. Professional connections (e.g., LinkedIn) are acceptable after events
      3. Personal socialising with staff is considered a breach of privacy
    3. Other Learners
      1. Building and maintaining professional networks is encouraged
    4. All interactions must be respectful regardless of personal preferences
    5. Sensitive topics should be approached with care and consideration

Misconduct types

6.1 Bullying and Harassment:

6.1.1 Multiverse operates a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying and harassment. The organisation is committed to providing a learning and working environment for all apprentices and staff that is comfortable and free from all forms of bullying and harassment.

6.1.2 Bullying is defined as 'unwanted offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient'. Examples include:

  1. Ridiculing or humiliating an individual
  2. Shouting or screaming at an individual
  3. Unwarranted or invalid criticism
  4. Deliberately excluding or isolating an individual
  5. Physical aggression or intimidation

6.1.3 Cyber Bullying refers to bullying through electronic media including:

  1. Virtual learning environment
  2. Social networking sites
  3. Messaging apps
  4. Gaming sites
  5. Chat rooms

6.1.4 Harassment is defined as 'unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic which has the purpose or effect of violating a person's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them'. Protected characteristics include:

  1. Age
  2. Disability
  3. Gender reassignment
  4. Race
  5. Religion or belief
  6. Sex
  7. Sexual orientation

6.1.5 Sexual Harassment includes but is not limited to:

  1. Sexual comments or jokes
  2. Displaying sexually explicit materials
  3. Unwanted sexual advances
  4. Inappropriate touching
  5. Sexual posts or contact on social media
  6. Coercive behaviour

6.2 Substance Misuse

6.2.1 Multiverse has a responsibility to uphold the law and protect the health and safety of all community members.

6.2.2 Alcohol

  1. Only permitted for those 18 and over (UK) 21 and over (US)
  2. Consumption must be professional and moderate
  3. Respect for those who choose not to drink
  4. Permitted on premises only with prior permission
  5. Must comply with local laws, such as Licensing Act 2003 (UK)
  6. Excessive consumption or inappropriate behaviour under influence may result in disciplinary action and/or event restrictions

6.2.3 Drugs

  1. Controlled Drugs & Psychoactive Substances are strictly prohibited online or in-person, this includes "legal highs" and NOS
  2. Study Drug use is not condoned, this includes non-prescribed cognitive enhancement substances

6.3 Misconduct in Assessments

6.3.1 Assessment misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Submitting others' work as one's own
    1. Please also note the AI acceptable use guidance
  2. Unauthorised materials in examinations
  3. Breaking examination regulations
  4. Falsifying assessment evidence
  5. Improper assistance during assessments
  6. Breaching assessment security
  7. Manufacturing evidence of competence
  8. Unauthorised assessment adjustments
  9. Assessment misconduct procedures

Categories of Misconduct

Misconduct is categorised into three levels:

7.1.1 Minor misconduct includes but is not limited to:

  1. Conduct which disrupts teaching or learning
  2. Repeated non-attendance or lateness
  3. Behaviour or language that could cause offence
  4. Misuse of online learning platform

7.1.2 Major misconduct includes but is not limited to:

  1. Repeated minor misconduct offences
  2. Damage of Multiverse property
  3. Sustained disruption at events
  4. Bullying or cyberbullying
  5. Unwelcome personal comments
  6. Inappropriate social contact
  7. Deliberate misgendering
  8. Unauthorised sharing of private information
  9. Excessive alcohol consumption at events
  10. Assessment maladministration
  11. Breaching assessment security
  12. Failing to follow examination regulations

7.1.3 Gross misconduct includes but is not limited to:

  1. Repeated major misconduct offences
  2. Violence or threats of violence
  3. Deliberate intimidation or stalking
  4. Harassment and sexual harassment
  5. Illegal activity on Multiverse premises or events
  6. Deliberate assessment malpractice
  7. Falsification of assessment evidence

Misconduct Procedures

8.1 Note - Assessment misconduct does not follow the below:

  1. For programmes awarded by an external awarding body, Multiverse will follow their procedures around misconduct in assessments.
  2. For Advanced Programs, where multiverse is the awarding body, the process and procedure is outlined in the Academic Integrity section of the Assessment Policy

8.2  Reporting and Initial Response

  1. All allegations must be reported as soon as possible.
    1. Instances reported well after the occurrence may not be investigating depending on impact, relevance and reasonable timeframes
  2. Confirmation that the instance is being looked into will be sent to the person reporting and the learner involved within 2 working days of receipt

8.3 Investigation Process

8.3.1 For minor misconduct:

  1. Coach assesses severity and discusses with learner
  2. Written account shared with the learner, and added to the learner record
  3. Outcomes reported to Programme Leads
  4. Customer Success Manager informed if appropriate

8.3.2 For major misconduct:

  1. Investigating officer appointed
  2. Learner may be suspended during investigation if appropriate
  3. Evidence gathered from all relevant sources
  4. Case may be referred to Disciplinary Panel
  5. Written report sent to all relevant parties

8.3.3 For gross misconduct:

  1. Disciplinary Panel consisting of two senior staff convenes within 10 working days of referral
  2. Learner notified of hearing details and rights
  3. Panel reviews evidence and determines sanctions
  4. Written outcome provided to all parties, including employer

Misconduct / Disciplinary Appeals Process

9.1 Note - Assessment misconduct does not follow the below:

  1. For assessment malpractice decisions, appeals must be made through awarding organisation procedures.
  2. For Advanced Programmes, where Multiverse is the awarding body, these are outlined in the Appeals section of the Assessment Policy.

9.2 Appeals must be submitted in writing within 10 days of the outcome email via the Multiverse Support Hub.

  1. Multiverse will convene an Appeals Panel, consisting of two senior staff with no conflict of interest from the misconduct case being appealed.
  2. The panel will make a decision within 10 days with two possible outcomes:
    1. Initial decision overturned
    2. Decision upheld

Monitoring and Review

  1. This Policy is reviewed annually
  2. Trends and patterns reported and analysed for improvements and prevention
  3. Awarding organisation feedback incorporated into procedures

Version control

  1. Written (name, role, date): Karine Frame, Senior Quality Lead, October 2024
  2. Version number: V2
  3. Last updated (name, role, date): Karine Frame, Senior Quality Lead, October 2024
  4. Change log: Complete re-write of V1 to consolidate versions for degree and non-degree programmes, and to incorporate Bullying and Harassment, Drugs and Alcohol, and Attendance policies; simplifying for clear understanding for all learners.
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