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External Speakers and Events Policy

This policy outlines Multiverse’s approach to appointing external speakers.


  1. Multiverse is committed to providing an environment which values freedom of expression and which encourages learners to engage with a balanced and wide range of views to enable them to become discerning, intelligent citizens able to form and express opinions without offence to others.
  2. Multiverse is committed to providing a safe space for learners to debate and query the issues of the day and where they are protected from speech which would seek to harm, victimise, intimidate or persuade them to become involved in illegal or dangerous activity.
  3. In achieving these overarching principles Multiverse welcomes a range of diverse speakers to enrich our curriculum and wider learning. We also host a number of events and activities facilitated by external bodies to achieve the same aim.
  4. In formulating this policy, due regard has been taken to Multiverse’s legal duties to safeguard all young people and vulnerable adults as enshrined within the Keeping Children Safe in Education, and to prevent all members of the Multiverse community from being drawn into terrorism as enshrined within the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 and within the Prevent Statutory Guidance for colleges (September 2015).

Associated Policies and Procedures

  1. Academic Freedom Policy
  2. Community Terms of Reference
  3. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy


  1. This policy and procedure covers any external speaker that may be invited or may invite themselves into college to speak to staff or apprentices. It also covers any event or activity organised by Multiverse involving external organisations.
  2. Multiverse also reserves the right to hire its facilities to a range of external organisations for events and activities and this policy and related procedure also covers those types of activities within our premises.
  3. This procedure does not constitute contractual terms and conditions. Multiverse reserves the right to amend any provision of this procedure subsequent to appropriate consultation.

Key principles

  1. To provide an environment and a culture which encourages open and free debate and that protects and values freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
  2. To provide an environment that is free from harm, harassment and where incitement to hatred or violence is never acceptable.
  3. To provide a safe, supportive and inclusive space for learners to debate and question the issues of the day.
  4. To promote a culture that equips learners with the critical thinking and personal reasoning skills needed to come to sound and informed opinions.
  5. To provide an environment where learners can gain an appreciation of and respect for the diversity and difference that goes to make up modern society so that they are effective and intelligent citizens of modern Britain.
  6. To comply with the Office for Students Regulatory Framework and Public Interest Governance Procedures, specifically in respect of Freedom of Speech and compliance with the law.

4.1 In order to achieve our aims, Multiverse will assess whether any external speaker, event or hire of our facilities meets the above principles prior to allowing them access to our premises, learners  or staff members.

Organising an external event or speaker linked to curriculum or wider college learning.

  1. In the normal course of business, it is likely that the vast majority of speakers, events and activities related to learners will be of value to them and to their learning. Individual staff members are encouraged to make a wide range of links with employers and other agencies to enrich day to day learning. In all cases Multiverse expects that a member of staff is present for the duration of the event.
  2. In these cases staff may wish to use the Multiverse checklist to assess whether their speaker or event meets the overarching principles of this policy. They may also wish to seek advice from their curriculum manager, or head of department in relation to timing and logistics. However, we recognise that staff have professional and long standing relationships with employers and other agencies; as such whilst staff may wish to use the checklist as an aide-memoire it is not a requirement of this policy.
  3. Individual coaches or other staff members, in liaison with their curriculum manager or head of department, should take on the role of event coordinator and as such are responsible for all arrangements.  Staff can seek advice from the appropriate Multiverse department if they are unsure of what arrangements need to be put in place to make an event run smoothly.
  4. Should the proposed event or speaker raise some concerns for the member of staff, then approval must be sought  from the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Director of Communications and Public Affairs.  Concerns are likely to be raised in answer to the questions in the checklist.
  5. Approval must be sought at least two weeks prior to the proposed date of the event.
  6. The value of the event against the identified risks will be assessed and approval given for the event to proceed, proceed with caveats or not proceed at all.

Hiring Multiverse facilities to external agencies or organisations.

  1. Multiverse may hire its facilities to a range of external agencies and organisations. These hire arrangements may be wide ranging and include: the use of rooms for meetings and events.
  2. In most cases organisations wishing to use Multiverse’s facilities will have synergy with our values and the key principles of this policy. Appropriate managers will have authority to authorise bookings and make necessary logistical arrangements in these cases. They may wish to use the checklist  as a useful guide to assess the appropriateness of an external booking.
  3. In cases where the organisation wishing to use Multiverse’s facilities raises concerns, then approval must be sought from the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Director of Communications and Public Affairs.
  4. Approval must be sought at least two weeks prior to the proposed date of the booking

Escalation process

  1. Any concerns the Designated Safeguarding Lead has will be escalated to the Director of Communications and Public Affairs.
  2. Any concerns the Director of Communications and Public Affairs has must immediately be escalated to the CEO and/or Board of Directors.

Advice and guidance

  1. Advice and guidance on any aspect of this policy is available from either the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Director of Communications and Public Affairs.
  2. This procedure does not constitute contractual terms and conditions. Multiverse reserves the right to amend any provision of this procedure subsequent to appropriate consultation.

Appendix A: Code of Conduct for External Speakers

Multiverse is committed to providing a platform for a wide range of perspectives and fostering an environment of respectful dialogue. To ensure that all events are conducted in a manner consistent with our values, we ask that external speakers adhere to the following Code of Conduct:

  1. Respectful Communication:
    1. Speakers are expected to communicate respectfully with all participants, avoiding language or behaviour that is discriminatory, inflammatory, or offensive. This includes refraining from any speech or actions that could be perceived as harassment, bullying, or incitement to hatred based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic.
  2. Alignment with Multiverse Values:
    1. Speakers must ensure that the content of their presentation aligns with the values of Multiverse, including promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities. While diverse opinions are encouraged, content should not undermine these values or promote intolerance.
  3. Prohibition of Illegal or Harmful Content:
    1. Any speech or material that promotes, encourages, or incites illegal activities, violence, or extremism is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to content that may lead to radicalization or involvement in illegal activities.
  4. Intellectual Honesty and Transparency:
    1. Speakers should provide information that is accurate and evidence-based, avoiding misinformation or misleading content. Where opinions are shared, they should be clearly identified as such, and speakers should be open to questions or challenges from the audience.
  5. Engagement with Participants:
    1. Speakers should be open to dialogue with participants, providing opportunities for questions and answers in a respectful manner. Participants’ viewpoints should be acknowledged with consideration, even when differing from those of the speaker.
  6. Safeguarding and Wellbeing:
    1. In line with Multiverse’s safeguarding obligations, speakers must ensure that their content is appropriate for the audience, taking care not to cause unnecessary distress or anxiety. Any content that may be potentially sensitive should be discussed with the event organiser beforehand to ensure appropriate support measures are in place.
  7. Compliance with Multiverse Policies:
    1. All speakers are expected to comply with Multiverse's broader policies, including the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy, the Safeguarding Policy, and the Freedom of Expression Policy. Event organisers will provide copies of these policies upon request.

Breach of Code of Conduct

In the event that a speaker fails to adhere to this Code of Conduct, Multiverse reserves the right to take appropriate action. This may include terminating the event, refusing future speaking opportunities, or reporting the incident to relevant authorities if legal obligations are breached.

Version control

  1. Written (name, role, date): Community and Safeguarding teams. January 2022
  2. Version number: V2
  3. Updates:
    1. October 2024
      1. Added - Appendix A: Code of Conduct for External Speakers
      2. Changes mention of apprentices to learners throughout
  4. Last updated (name, role, date): Karine Frame, Quality Manager, October 2024
  5. Last reviewed (name, role, date): Hannah Pereira and Chloe Cawthorne
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