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Quality assurance strategy

1. Introduction

1.0 As part of our commitment to delivering excellent provision, we operate a quality assurance cycle which allows for continued review of performance and success measures at individual, cohort and programme level. Our quality assurance processes aim to achieve the following:

1.1 Ensure all learners are achieving exceptional outcomes on the programme (with a particular focus on ensuring particular characteristic groups that are more likely to underperform are monitored closely)

1.2 Ensure delivery is compliant with the rules, regulations, and statutory duties as defined by the ESFA, OfS and Ofsted and any external relevant regulatory or awarding bodies.

1.3 Identify best practice and areas of development for teaching and coaching staff

1.4 Uphold academic standards

2. Associated policies

  1. Safeguarding
  2. Learner Support
  3. Program Design, Development and Approval
  4. Learner Voice
  5. Coach Code of Conduct

3. Quality Assurance policies

  1. Policies are in place to uphold the Quality Assurance Strategy and its functions, as outlined below, including alignment with regulatory requirements. These are publicly accessible on the Multiverse website.
  2. These are the responsibility of the Multiverse Governance Team, and have owners in the relevant business areas.
  3. Policies are review on an appropriate review schedule - either biannually, annually or every 2 years
  4. Where reviews result in changes then Multiverse will inform learners, clients and staff as required

4. Internal processes

4.1 Teaching, tutoring and coaching reviews

  1. All enablers are observed by delivery leads against the Compass framework.
  2. Scores from both “Essentials” and “Behaviours” are included in the Governance review
  3. Learner progress data is tracked live on dashboards, with performance indicators that are discussed every week during coach, instructor and tutor 1:1s along with collated feedback from surveys and other learner voice.
  4. Any ongoing issues with performance of delivery staff are addressed through training and additional support and through our performance management framework

4.2 Programme Improvement Reviews & Periodic Reviews

  1. Monthly tactical reviews for each programme are held between cross functional teams to review data and plan tactical improvements
  2. Every 6th month (twice per year), a larger group of leaders joins these meetings to review programme performance. This alternates between the Programme Improvement Review which focuses on emerging trends, and the Periodic Review which is a comprehensive holistic review of the programme
  3. The output of these reviews serves as a programme improvement plan, which is then referenced in the subsequent monthly tactical meetings
  4. One potential output from a Programme Improvement Review could be an internally led Deep Dive, where more information is required in order to commission improvement plans, and could utilise leaner representatives to collate further targeted feedback and/or as part of focus groups.

4.3 Academic Quality Council

  1. Quarterly meeting of key stakeholders across Multiverse Advanced Programmes.
  2. Reports from Advanced Programme specific functions such as the Board of Examiners, Admissions Committee, Programme Improvement Reviews, Periodic Reviews, and the Teaching & Learning Committee
  3. Reviews Advanced Programmes specific data, including academic performance metrics, and has oversight of Advanced Programmes specific areas such as AP policies and AP programme approvals and updates.
  4. Includes external and learner membership to ensure robust challenge and support
  5. Agrees actions relating to Advanced Programmes and OfS specific regulatory requirements

4.4 Quality Subcommittee

  1. Quarterly meeting of leaders across Multiverse functions, to review retention, engagement, equity and experience data and hold functions to account on key performance metrics and improvement planning activity
  2. Includes external membership to ensure robust challenge and support
  3. Includes review of Self Assessment Report and Quality Improvement Plan
  4. Between QSC meetings are Monthly Governance Reviews - Each month, the Quality team collates and reviews performance data across all programmes and identifies areas of emerging risk and improvement. This report is surfaced to the Governance leadership and areas for urgent intervention are flagged and escalated to the quarterly meeting.

5. Safeguarding Meetings

  1. Regular meetings are convened to review and discuss ongoing safeguarding issues between the designated safeguarding lead and members of the safeguarding team and deputies across Multiverse
  2. Trends are collated and reviewed by the Quality Subcommittee as part of the annual self assessment

6. External Quality Assurance

  1. Monitoring of national standards and subject benchmarks
  2. Regular client feedback through Customer Success team
  3. External members at Board level, as well as in the Quality Subcommittee, Academic Quality Council, and Board of Examiners

Version control

  1. Written (name, role, date): Paul Swindale, Senior Manager, Compliance and Quality, October 2024
  2. Version number: V1
  3. Last reviewed (name, role, date): Karine Frame, Senior Quality Lead. October 2024
  4. Updates:
    1. Consolidated the Monitoring and review policy into this document, removing items that are already covered within other existing policies or are process information rather than policy.
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