Report - The case for apprenticeships
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Learner stories

Hear past learners share their experience on programme and how the learning transformed their careers

Hear their stories
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Euan Blair



Why join a Multiverse programme?

Our CEO, Euan Blair, our coaches, and learners explain how our programmes can give you the skills you need to future-proof your career, advance in your field, receive the promotion or raise you deserve, and boost your CV.

What to expect


The learning experience

What can I expect?

We realise there's a lot to consider before starting a Multiverse programme. We're here to make sense of it all — from submitting a great application, to nailing your project work and finishing with an outstanding result.

Which programme is right for me?

Not sure which programme is right for you? Hear from past learners and our expert coaches to get an overview of each of our different programmes and determine which makes the most sense for you and your career.

Data Fellowship

Data Fellowship


AI for Business Value

AI for Business Value


Data & Insights For Business Decisions

Data & Insights For Business Decisions


Case studies

Dig deeper with data

Discover how our data upskilling programmes are helping learners at Mars and JLP boost their data skills and gain confidence.

John Lewis Partnership

The John Lewis Partnership





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© Multiverse 2024